St Clare Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order
On Sunday, January 5th, the Hartford Archdiocese Office of Radio and Television came to St. Edward’s and filmed the St. Clare Fraternity of Secular Franciscans’ annual Creche Service.
Per ORTV, , the story will air this Sunday, January 12th, on CW20 and MyTV9, at 10:45am, after the Sunday Mass. There will also be a streaming version of the show uploaded on Monday at this link: Crossroads Magazine™ on Vimeo. Please join us on this last day of the Christmas Season to celebrate the birth of our Lord and the institution of the nativity by St. Francis.
Christmas letter from Archbishop Coyne
Christmas 2024
My friends,
I am pleased to share with you this Christmas pastoral letter as the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Norwich. Many of you are regular Mass goers. Some of you come occasionally, once a month or so. Some come once or twice a year on the major holidays of Christmas or Easter. For others, this may be the first time you have been in a church for years or maybe even for the first time. To all of you, I say, “Welcome and merry Christmas.”
Whatever your relationship with the Church may be, I invite you to consider how the moment of the Incarnation – God becoming man in Jesus Christ – has graced all of creation with the saving power of God. Throughout the course of the Church’s history, great saints and poets have authored heartfelt praise to the mystery of the Incarnation in which they tried to capture what it meant that God, the Supreme Creator of all that is, became one like us. Writing in the 4th c., St. Gregory Nazianzen came close to offering a perfect blend of the poetic and the theological when he wrote:
“The very Son of God, older than the ages, the invisible, the incomprehensible, the incorporeal, the beginning of beginning, the light of light, the fountain of life and immortality, the image of the archetype, the immovable seal, the perfect likeness, the definition and word of the Father: he it is who comes … to take to himself all that is human, except for sin…. He who makes rich is made poor; he takes on the poverty of my flesh, that I may gain the riches of his divinity. He who is full is made empty; he is emptied for a brief space of his glory, that I may share in his fullness.
But, while St. Gregory’s words may transport us into the Mystery of the Divine Majesty of God made manifest, the greeting of the angels to the shepherds that we hear proclaimed in the Gospel of Luke lead us deeply into Christ’s humanity:
"Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger."
In this Christmas celebration, we recall the mystery of Christ, true God and true man, and offer thanksgiving that “God so loved the world, that he gave us his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life,” and remember that every time we celebrate the Mass we encounter the same Christ present among us in the Church gathered, in the Word proclaimed, and in the Sacrament of the Eucharist - and what a Christmas gift that is!
Most Reverend Christopher J. Coyne
Apostolic Administrator, Diocese of Norwich
Each year, the Secular Franciscans distribute birdseed at Christmas. We are often asked why? Be
low is a short explanation of celebrating Christmas, “the feast of feasts” in the Franciscan tradition.
The Incarnation, God revealed to us through the infant Jesus, is a foundation of the spirituality of St. Francis. The simplicity and the poverty of God, who entered our world as a poor person, touched him deeply. Francis placed great importance on the observation of the birthday of the child Jesus, and celebrated it with great joy.
On Christmas Eve, 1223, St. Francis created the first Christmas living nativity scene so that the people around the Italian village of Greccio could have an experience of the Incarnation of Jesus. He invited the people of the region to come to a cave on Christmas Eve. He had the cave filled with straw and animals. He wanted them to feel what it would have been like on that first Christmas; the heat generated by the animals in the stable and the smell of the damp hay and the animals. He prepared a crib in a manger as a resting place for the infant Jesus. The people came, with lights and song and great
joy. This first living nativity was a dramatic demonstration of how God entered (and continues to enter) into the world.
On Christmas, Francis wanted the poor and the hungry to be filled with the abundance of God’s great love. It was not only people that Francis wanted filled, but all creation as well. He asked that more than the usual amount of grain and hay be given to oxen and asses, and that corn and grain be scattered about for the birds.
After the Christmas celebration at Greccio in 1223, as the friars preached throughout Europe, they used the crèche to remind people of the great love of God revealed in the Incarnation. Their preaching led to customs that remain today.
As Secular Franciscans, we continue this tradition of sharing seed for the birds. It is our simple gift to you. May it remind us of the great gift of our God in the Incarnation, and of the gift of all creation that surrounds us.
Prayers for a blessed, joyful, peaceful Christmas!
The St. Clare Fraternity, Secular Franciscan Order
Parish Council
Did you know that Parish Council is made up of a representative from each Parish organization, as well as regularly attending Mass parishioners who are interested in the happenings of the Church? And we are looking for new parishioners to join. The time commitment is a monthly meeting that lasts between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Outside of meetings, the time commitment is very minimal. Occasionally, we have hosted a Hot Dog Sunday or a Parish-wide Town Hall meeting. Those require a little extra time, but really, it is just a monthly meeting, your interest and your input that are needed Most of the people serving right now have been serving for a very, very long time and it's time for your voice to be heard. (Tag, you're it!) Next meeting is Feb 11th @7pm. Please email Steve Kelley at or call the Church office if you have questions or would like to join. If you would like to read the Parish Council minutes, they are available from the Church office. (Seriously, if you read this far, you are more than a little interested in the Church so we need you to join!)
Children must have completed the third grade and must have received their First Holy Communion.
Click the link below for further information.
Online giving is now available!
We heard you during the Walking Together initiative. One of the requests was to adopt Online Giving. With the help of several resources we have been able to make it happen. Please visit our giving site at Give Now
Anne DeSantis | 10/28/2023
Lord Jesus Christ,
Thank you for your love and guidance in all our lives each day. You give us the grace to live in your love in peace. Lord, on this day, we lift our hearts and minds to all those who suffer because of violent conflicts in the world. We think of those families whose hearts ache because of war. Those who are forced to leave their homes and their families due to brute force and destruction. Those who cannot sleep, eat, or live happily because of warfare and fighting all around them. We offer our prayers for the children, families, the young and the old, the sick, and the abandoned who do not have resources, food, and shelter for daily living. We pray for mothers, fathers, grandparents, and all those deeply concerned for their family members and friends.
Lord, help us to offer our time, our sacrifices, and our deepest prayers at each moment for those affected by war. We pray that we can model after you, Lord Jesus, as one who offered yourself for the sake of others and for their welfare. We pray for our enemies the same way you did when you gave your life for the salvation of the world.
At this moment, Lord, we pray for those who suffer greatly at the hands of those who cause ruination to others and to the world. We pray for the conversion of their hearts. We understand conversion is possible for everyone who is alive, and we pray for peace in their hearts to turn to you and away from the brutality of war. We lift our prayers for those who protect others from violence and who stand for justice through service.
Jesus, we love you above all, and we trust you with every aspect of our lives. Help us to entrust you more both in this present moment and for the future of the world as we pray for peace. Most of all, help us to continue our prayers at each moment through the intercession of your Mother Mary and all the angels and saints.
We ask this in the Name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Anne DeSantis, MA Theology, is the author of the book Love and Care for the Marginalized,
40 Meditations for Catholics. She is a wife, mother, podcast and TV host, and the Executive
Director for the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation at
The Parish of St. Edward the Confessor is pleased to welcome you to our website. If you need additional information, please call the Church Office at 860-684-2705 or send us an email through "Contacts" and with God's help, we will gladly assist you with all your religious needs!
Blessed by the grace of God and nurtured by the Eucharist as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, our mission as the Roman Catholic Church of St. Edward the Confessor is to support the spiritual needs of our community. We engage in outreach guided by the Holy Spirit, using our time, talent, and treasure to serve God's people.
Parish Council - Laurel Stark and Steve Kelly ; President and Vice-president or
Trustees - Sandra Comarella or David Syzch; or
Finance - Sandra Comarella or David Syzch; or
Knights of Columbus Council 1395 - David Broer; Grand Knight
Ladies' Guild - Pat Saunders; President
For the right to an education
Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.
Our parish council continues to work on the hopes and concerns that have been brought up during our Walking Together sharing sessions. We will continue to update you on our progress.
Please continue to forward your comments, your hopes and concerns, as well as any time and talents you can share with our parish to the Walking Together email
As always thank you for your time and your efforts to invigorate our parish!
Click this link to view the final report
Prayerfully submitted,
The Walking Together Team
Andrea Broer, Sandy Comarella, Joanne Deskus, Zofia Fitzgerald, Corinne Lorenzet, Laurel Stark
The St Edward Building Committee is working on developing a list of work and / or projects that we would like to see done here on our campus. So far the list is in a brainstorming stage and includes the big ticket items as well as small things that could be accomplished by volunteers in a few hours or days. It also includes projects that may be cost prohibitive right now but we want to be sure we have everything in front of us so we can begin to prioritize. This is the list we have right now.
If you have ideas that are not on this list or would like to volunteer some time please contact the Parish Office at (860)684-2705 or email
A REMINDER FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT ATTEND MASS IN PERSON: Mass is televised daily at 10:00 a.m. on both WCCT-TV (WB20) and WCTX-TV (MyTV9). Mass is also available throughout the day on EWTN. Live-stream Mass is also available widely on the Internet, at sites such as Bishop Robert Barron’s “Word on Fire” ( Most on-line Masses are available to watch at your convenience.
NORWICH – Friday, September 6, 2024– IMMEDIATE RELEASE
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich (Diocese), along with its coverage provider, the Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America (Catholic Mutual), and the Association of Parishes of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, Connecticut (Parishes) have agreed on, and intend to file today a joint Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization (Joint Plan) to enable the Diocese to emerge successfully from bankruptcy and provide a meaningful recovery to survivors entitled to a distribution.
Over a year ago, following several mediation attempts overseen by a retired Second Circuit Judge, among others, the Diocese and Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (Committee), that represents the interests of all unsecured creditors, including survivors, reached an agreement and sought bankruptcy court approval of a plan of reorganization that had broad support from multiple constituents in the case. However, the Committee abandoned the agreement and unilaterally withdrew from that plan in late June, filing its own plan that will result in years of litigation, substantial legal fees, and uncertainty as to any recovery for the survivors. The Committee now stands alone.
In an Order dated August 13, 2024, the Judge presiding over the Diocese bankruptcy gave the Diocese the opportunity to file its own plan, which it is doing today, supported by agreements with various constituencies and funding sources, which provides an alternative to the Committee’s protracted litigation-based plan.
Under the Joint Plan sponsored by the Diocese, Catholic Mutual and Parishes and funded by a coalition of other contributors (that are not contributing to the Committee’s Plan), a Trust will be created and funded with approximately $[30] million – funds that are not immediately available under the Committee’s plan unless they are successful after years of expensive litigation.
Despite repeated efforts by the Diocese to engage the Committee in constructive discussions to reach a consensual plan, the Committee has declined to do so. The Diocese nevertheless continues to hope that a consensual plan can and will be reached, whether through further mediation or otherwise, so that the litigation that will inevitably result from the Committee’s Plan can be avoided and all possible available funds can be used immediately to maximize recovery to survivors and expedite the Diocese’s exit from bankruptcy.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a post-petition disclosure or solicitation of the Joint Plan.
The Catholic Family Services office provides resources and support to parishes and families to promote and celebrate happy and holy marriages and families. The office provides programs in the areas of marriage preparation, marriage enrichment and support, natural family planning, chastity for teens and serves as a resource for various diocesan support groups.
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS - The Saint Edward Parish Council is seeking nominees for the positions of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary as well as additional new members. Our next meeting will be November 12th at 7 PM in the Parish Center. All are welcome to attend. If you are interested in one of these roles or would like additional information, please contact Stephen Kelley at or by phone at 860-810-8096. Become a leader in our Parish Community!!
WEBMASTER NEEDED - Saint Edward's is looking for a new webmaster. Duties will include weekly updates of the web site. If you are interested please contact the Parish Office at 860-684-2705.