Blessing of the Animals


Parish Council

Did you know that Parish Council is made up of a representative from each Parish organization, as well as regularly attending Mass parishioners who are interested in the happenings of the Church?  And we are looking for new parishioners to join. The time commitment is a monthly meeting that lasts between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.  Outside of meetings, the time commitment is very minimal.  Occasionally, we have hosted a Hot Dog Sunday or a Parish-wide Town Hall meeting.  Those require a little extra time, but really, it is just a monthly meeting, your interest and your input that are needed  Most of the people serving right now have been serving for a very, very long time and it's time for your voice to be heard. (Tag, you're it!)  Next meeting is October 8th @7pm.  Please email Steve Kelley at or call the Church office if you have questions or would like to join.  If you would like to read the Parish Council minutes, they are available from the Church office.  (Seriously, if you read this far, you are more than a little interested in the Church so we need you to join!)



Earlier this year, an adult Bible study entitled Symbolon was offered here at St. Edward Parish.  We had 12 people participate!  Pretty great turn out.  And everyone had such a wonderful time learning and talking together.  Below are comments from some of your fellow parishioners:

    “Attending the Symbolon series, I gained a better understanding of my faith and the reasons we do what we do.  I learned a lot while getting a better understanding.  I also enjoyed the fellowship and having an opportunity to question and share my thoughts about being Catholic.”

    “In attending Symbolon, I was able to revisit what the Catholic Church teaches and why.  There were many facts that were thoroughly explained in the videos that helped me to broaden my horizons.  I encourage everyone to participate in any of the courses that are made available to us.  You may find answers to old questions.”

        “The sessions allowed people to learn about their faith and share with others.  It lead to a deeper understanding of our faith.  Many of us had not had religious instruction for many, many years.  It was a great renewing at an adult level.”

This coming Fall/Winter/Springs, we will be offering a series called Women of the Old Testament.  It is meant for all women & men!  The program offers professional video lectures, a workbook study guide and opportunities for conversion and fellowship.  The cost is $20/person.  If you cannot afford it, someone has come forward willing to pay for you to attend.  Don’t let cost hold you back.   

There will be a very short (20-30 minutes) informational meeting on August 28th at 6PM in the Parish Center.  You can register and pay for the workbook at this meeting.  If you cannot attend the informational meeting, please contact Andrea Broer at 860/576-5440 or to learn more.  

Thanks!  Hope you will join us!


Children must have completed the third grade and must have received their First Holy Communion.

Click the link below for further information.

Altar Server Information


Are you looking to register for Faith Formation for the 2024-2025 scholastic year?  Please complete this form.

K-8 Faith Formation printable registration form

2024-2025 K-8 and Confirmation online registration

  2024-2025 K-8 Calendar





2023 Capital Campaign


Online giving is now available!

We heard you during the Walking Together initiative.  One of the requests was to adopt Online Giving.  With the help of several resources we have been able to make it happen.  Please visit our giving site at Give Now


Anne DeSantis | 10/28/2023
Lord Jesus Christ,
Thank you for your love and guidance in all our lives each day.  You give us the grace to live in your love in peace. Lord, on this day, we lift our hearts and minds to all those who suffer because of violent conflicts in the world. We think of those families whose hearts ache because of war.  Those who are forced to leave their homes and their families due to brute force and destruction.  Those who cannot sleep, eat, or live happily because of warfare and fighting all around them.  We offer our prayers for the children, families, the young and the old, the sick, and the abandoned who do not have resources, food, and shelter for daily living.  We pray for mothers, fathers, grandparents, and all those deeply concerned for their family members and friends.
Lord, help us to offer our time, our sacrifices, and our deepest prayers at each moment for those affected by war.  We pray that we can model after you, Lord Jesus, as one who offered yourself for the sake of others and for their welfare.  We pray for our enemies the same way you did when you gave your life for the salvation of the world.
At this moment, Lord, we pray for those who suffer greatly at the hands of those who cause ruination to others and to the world.  We pray for the conversion of their hearts.  We understand conversion is possible for everyone who is alive, and we pray for peace in their hearts to turn to you and away from the brutality of war. We lift our prayers for those who protect others from violence and who stand for justice through service.
Jesus, we love you above all, and we trust you with every aspect of our lives.  Help us to entrust you more both in this present moment and for the future of the world as we pray for peace.  Most of all, help us to continue our prayers at each moment through the intercession of your Mother Mary and all the angels and saints.
We ask this in the Name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Anne DeSantis, MA Theology, is the author of the book Love and Care for the Marginalized,
40 Meditations for Catholics. She is a wife, mother, podcast and TV host, and the Executive
Director for the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation at


Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:00 P.M.
Sunday - 9:00 A.M.
Monday - 8:00 A.M.
Tuesday - 8:00 A.M.
Wednesday - 8:00 A.M.
Thursday- No Morning Mass
Friday - 8:00 A.M.
CONFESSIONS: Saturday, 3:00 - 3:30 P.M. or By Appointment.
ADORATION: Tuesdays, 9 A.M.-12 Noon in the Church. 
CANCELLATION INFORMATION: There is no morning Mass on the days that the Stafford School System cancels or delays school.

The Parish of St. Edward the Confessor is pleased to welcome you to our website. If you need additional information, please call the Church Office at 860-684-2705 or send us an email through "Contacts" and with God's help, we will gladly assist you with all your religious needs!


Blessed by the grace of God and nurtured by the Eucharist as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, our mission as the Roman Catholic Church of St. Edward the Confessor is to support the spiritual needs of our community.  We engage in outreach guided by the Holy Spirit, using our time, talent, and treasure to serve God's people.


Address: 27 Church Street
Stafford Springs, Connecticut 06076
Phone: 860-684-2705
Monday-Friday, 8:30 A.M.-4:00 P.M.



Parish Council - Laurel Stark and Steve Kelly ; President and Vice-president or 

Trustees - Sandra Comarella or David Syzch; or

Finance - Sandra Comarella or David Syzch; or

Knights of Columbus Council 1395 - David Broer; Grand Knight

Ladies' Guild - Pat Saunders; President


For a shared mission

We pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people.


Walking Together Logo


Our parish council continues to work on the hopes and concerns that have been brought up during our Walking Together sharing sessions. We will continue to update you on our progress.

Please continue to forward your comments, your hopes and concerns, as well as any time and talents you can share with our parish to the Walking Together email

As always thank you for your time and your efforts to invigorate our parish!

Click this link to view the final report

Walking Together Final Report


Prayerfully submitted,

The Walking Together Team

Andrea Broer, Sandy Comarella, Joanne Deskus, Zofia Fitzgerald, Corinne Lorenzet, Laurel Stark


The St Edward Building Committee is working on developing a list of work and / or projects that we would like to see done here on our campus.  So far the list is in a brainstorming stage and includes the big ticket items as well as small things that could be accomplished by volunteers in a few hours or days.  It also includes projects that may be cost prohibitive right now but we want to be sure we have everything in front of us so we can begin to prioritize.  This is the list we have right now.

If you have ideas that are not on this list or would like to volunteer some time please contact the Parish Office at (860)684-2705 or email

  • Roof for hall - Waiting Engineering report
  • Church air conditioners - Next project
  • Repair inside Parish Center - Work in progress
  • Repair old hall ramp - Priority 3
  • Replace / repair crumbling ramp - Applying temporary fixes
  • Replace / repair crumbling front stairs - Applying temporary fixes
  • Finish repairing remaining stained-glass windows
  • Fix storm drain in lower lot
  • Repave parking lots - Patching planned
  • Paint parking lines to include handicapped parking - After driveway repairs
  • Install recorded / monitored security cameras
  • Handicap access to Sanctuary
  • Handicap access to Parish Center
  • Paint ceiling of church
  • Replace pews and flooring in church
  • Paint exterior of church (window frames, etc.)
  • Update kitchen
  • Repair fascia on hall
  • Paint inside of hall
  • Repaint outside of church doors
  • Fix front rail from sidewalk
  • Repaint church railings
  • Repaint rail to Parish Center
  • Repair top step to the upper lot behind church
  • Replace paneling inside church
  • Clean up/touch up finish on pews
  • Paint shutters and denticles on rectory
  • Replace wood parking guardrail with curb stops or bollards




2024 MASS BOOK IS OPEN:  The 2024 Mass Book is now available for parishioners to schedule memorial Masses.  Please call the Church Office anytime to schedule your Mass(es).  860-684-2705.

A REMINDER  FOR  THOSE  WHO  CANNOT  ATTEND  MASS  IN  PERSON:  Mass is televised daily at 10:00 a.m. on both WCCT-TV (WB20) and WCTX-TV (MyTV9).  Mass is also available throughout the day on EWTN.  Live-stream Mass is also available widely on the Internet, at sites such as Bishop Robert Barron’s “Word on Fire” (  Most on-line Masses are available to watch at your convenience.


Pope Francis Appoints Bishop Christopher Coyne as Coadjutor Archbishop of Hartford

NORWICH – Friday, September 6, 2024– IMMEDIATE RELEASE

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich (Diocese), along with its coverage provider, the Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America (Catholic Mutual), and the Association of Parishes of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, Connecticut (Parishes) have agreed on, and intend to file today a joint Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization (Joint Plan) to enable the Diocese to emerge successfully from bankruptcy and provide a meaningful recovery to survivors entitled to a distribution.

Over a year ago, following several mediation attempts overseen by a retired Second Circuit Judge, among others, the Diocese and Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (Committee), that represents the interests of all unsecured creditors, including survivors, reached an agreement and sought bankruptcy court approval of a plan of reorganization that had broad support from multiple constituents in the case.  However, the Committee abandoned the agreement and unilaterally withdrew from that plan in late June, filing its own plan that will result in years of litigation, substantial legal fees, and uncertainty as to any recovery for the survivors. The Committee now stands alone.

In an Order dated August 13, 2024, the Judge presiding over the Diocese bankruptcy gave the Diocese the opportunity to file its own plan, which it is doing today, supported by agreements with various constituencies and funding sources, which provides an alternative to the Committee’s protracted litigation-based plan.

Under the Joint Plan sponsored by the Diocese, Catholic Mutual and Parishes and funded by a coalition of other contributors (that are not contributing to the Committee’s Plan), a Trust will be created and funded with approximately $[30] million – funds that are not immediately available under the Committee’s plan unless they are successful after years of expensive litigation.

Despite repeated efforts by the Diocese to engage the Committee in constructive discussions to reach a consensual plan, the Committee has declined to do so. The Diocese nevertheless continues to hope that a consensual plan can and will be reached, whether through further mediation or otherwise, so that the litigation that will inevitably result from the Committee’s Plan can be avoided and all possible available funds can be used immediately to maximize recovery to survivors and expedite the Diocese’s exit from bankruptcy.

Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a post-petition disclosure or solicitation of the Joint Plan.


Pope Francis has accepted the retirement of Bishop Michael R. Cote.  The Archbishop of Hartford has taken over the primary responsibilities for the Diocese of Norwich. Archbishop Coyne had this to say,  “I am grateful to our Holy Father for this opportunity to steward our brothers and sisters in the Diocese of Norwich while we await the appointment of their next bishop,” said Archbishop Coyne on learning of his new appointment. “I also wish to convey my very best wishes in retirement for Bishop Cote, who lovingly shepherded the faithful of Norwich for 21 years.”

Catholic Family Services

The Catholic Family Services office provides resources and support to parishes and families to promote and celebrate happy and holy marriages and families. The office provides programs in the areas of marriage preparation, marriage enrichment and support, natural family planning, chastity for teens and serves as a resource for various diocesan support groups.

Learn More





PARISH COUNCIL NEWS - The Saint Edward Parish Council is seeking nominees for the positions of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary as well as additional new members. Our next meeting will be October 8th at 7 PM in the Parish Center. All are welcome to attend. If you are interested in one of these roles or would like additional information, please contact Stephen Kelley at or by phone at 860-810-8096. Become a leader in our Parish Community!!


WEBMASTER NEEDED - Saint Edward's is looking for a new webmaster.  Duties will include weekly updates of the web site.  If you are interested please contact the Parish Office at 860-684-2705.